In partnership with the statewide citizen science learning platform for kids, GCLS offers discovery kits available to check out at the Berea and South Branch Library locations. The backpack kits include a trail camera and SD card, bird call, butterfly net, kid friendly binoculars, magnifying glass and bug collection jar and are available for three week checkout. Patrons can choose to use the kits and participate online at and earn fun prizes for reporting their nature sightings. 

In addition, Berea Branch Library has been designated as an ecoEXPLORE “hotspot” meaning participants earn extra points for recording the flora and fauna they spot near the pollinator garden at the library. As part of the partnership, the library hosts quarterly programs focused on nature based studies and featuring area naturalists.

For more information about and to check the availability of the discovery kits, contact the Berea Branch Library at 919-693-1231 or the South Branch Library at 919-528-1752 during operating hours.