Seed Library

The Granville County Library System (GCLS) is pleased to offer free seeds through our seed library program.  Our Berea, South & Thornton branches feature flowers, vegetables, and herb seeds to help foster improved access to healthy food.  We also provide educational resources on how to save seeds, sustainable gardening practices and the importance of biodiversity.  It is a great way to teach children about the life cycle of plants while learning about agriculture, new seed-savings skills, and improved food security.

Come browse a large variety of seeds. The offerings are alphabetized including identification and planting instructions.  Take as many packets as you would like to grow.  Simply leave your name, the type and number of seed packets taken so that the seed varieties can be sufficiently restocked. A single packet contains enough seeds for a home gardener eliminating the need to duplicate seed types.

We cannot guarantee the quantity or variety of seeds as availability is determined by the amount of donations and the number of seeds taken; nor can we guarantee germination rates.

If you would like to donate to our seed library, please bring them to any library branch clearly marked.  We will process and add them to our collection for community use.  As this is a free ongoing program, donations are always welcome, but not required.  The GCLS does not knowingly accept patented or GMO seeds and is not responsible for determining the origin of donated seeds.

For more information, please contact the Berea Branch @ (919) 693-1231, the South Branch @ (919) 528-1752, or the Thornton Branch @ (919) 693-1121.  You may also contact the Granville County NC Cooperative Extension Office @ (919) 603-1350.

Online resources: