Veteran Resources
Granville County Veteran Services: We provide FREE filing of Veterans benefits to include disability claims and healthcare coverage. We also are a resource for the community on all issues that affect Veterans in crisis.
Durham VA Healthcare: Health Care System, our health care teams are deeply experienced and guided by the needs of Veterans, their families, and caregivers.
Veterans Life Center: Residential program designed to help at-risk 21st Century male and female veterans.
Center Women Veterans: The Center for Women Veterans’ (CWV) mission is to monitor and coordinate VA’s administration of health care, benefits, services, and programs for women Veterans.
Homeless Programs: Assist Veterans and their families in obtaining permanent and sustainable housing.
Minority Veterans: Department of Veterans Affairs model for inter-and intra-agency co-operation, to ensure all veterans receive equal service regardless of race, origin, religion, or gender.
VHA LGBTQ+ Health Program: Welcomes all Veterans, families, caregivers, and survivor beneficiaries, including diverse gender identities and sexual orientations.
Veterans Mental Health: Mental health resources, information, treatment options and more — all accessible to Veterans, Veterans’ supporters and the general public.
Center for PTSD: Mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening or traumatic event.